Emily & Dereck | Four Seasons Bali | Overseas Wedding
#HongKongTaiwan #OverseasWedding #Bali The sunlight of Bali with the moving rays of time, reflects every fleeting moment. On the sandy...

Fion & Guang | Brighton Hove Manor | Destination Wedding
#DestinationWedding We just want to find that one person in our lifetime. The one who allows us to be willfully capricious. To be...

Ming & Quinten | Westin | Belgium x Taiwan | Intercultural Wedding
#BelgiumTaiwan #InterculturalWedding When your gazes intertwine, the identical silly smiles simultaneously radiate and the pureness also...

立夫 & 詩柔 | Madarin Oriental | Wedding Planner
#MadarinOriental At our first encounter, a certain spark ignited within my heart. In this moment, it becomes an eternity shared with you....

Lamie & Kris | Eslite Hotel | Latvia x Taiwan | Intercultural Wedding
#LatviaTaiwan #InterculturalWedding The wine brewed from grapes stains red, gradually spreads and imbues in the country, Italy, you met....